It was 3 months in the planning, but after a lot of work, risk assessments, meal planning, scheduling, site visits and considerably more paperwork then anyone has any need to create, we were finally ready this summer to run the first Cub Camp in a number of years. Following on from the success of the District Camp we were keen to bring that same energy and experience to the cubs and so, one fine day in June we were finally able to announce the plan to the pack and just hope that they could make it. Thankfully, most of them could and so the real work began.
It all started on the Friday when the leaders arrived on site and started to set everything up. This is no small task but we wanted the cubs to be able to just show up and start enjoying themselves so that meant pitching all their tents, setting up the kitchen and mess tents, buying all the food and working out any final details all ready for the morning. It was tough and we nearly quit before the last tents were put up, but we worked through and by the time we settled down for some food it was all set.
And what a good thing it was, because in the morning the weather was terrible. The rain set in and it didn't look like it had any plans to stop. This was not what the weatherman said would happen, but then when could we ever trust the weatherman. We were slightly worried this would damped the spirits of the cubs when they arrived, but we should have known better.
Nothing was going to ruin camp for them, certainly not a little rain, so after a quick briefing on the camp rules it was off for a tour of the site and then back to the mess tent for lunch.
We were expecting things to remain wet but thankfully that was not the case and so after lunch we were ready for our first activity. A scavanger hunt with a difference. Nobody was to collect anything, just take pictures of the things they found. This meant we could do the hunt without messing with nature. Some of the teams had to think outside the box for some of their challenges and one highlight was some of the girls who took a selfie for the 3 birds.
Then came the game which was quickly to become a camp favourite, frisbee golf. This was not as simple as it seemed but the cubs gave it their all and we even had a hole in one from Noah, as well as some risky shots that looked to be heading right for some heads. Next it was time for dinner and then some time resting before turning in for the night.
In the morning it was a nice early start for breakfast, although some of the campers would rather have slept in a bit longer I think. But we wouldn't want them to miss the best part of the day. Especially when there was so much to do. Once up and fed, most of the cubs took themselves down to the large field to run around with the frisbees for a while, and to practice their skills. Then it was back up for the next activity of the day.
This time it was fire lighting. Of course, the first big bit here was all around safety but this was well received and everybody paid attention so they would know exactly how to keep themselves safe when it was their turn to try and start a fire.
Once they had a turn themselves, it was time for the leaders to take over and before long we had a roaring campfire started which was perfect for smores so we got some benches, biscuits and marshmallows and started cooking.
Now full of energy it was off to the assault course. They were having so much fun there that it was hard to drag them away for dinner.
It's always hard to stop for food when there is fun to be had so as soon as they had eaten it was back there for a bit longer before coming back to camp and sitting around the fire for stories and songs. You may already have heard one of them, something about Charlie.
And then it was all over for another day.
The following morning was a much sadder start, there was some time for games after breakfast but then it was time for the cubs to pack up their belongings and think about going home. There was one last surpise in store for them though. The leaders had come up with some awards for everyone, based on the qualities they had shown throughout the camp. This was to be presented in front of their parents before we had to say goodbye.
It was another few hours before we could leave, it takes a lot of time to take down a camp, but we didn't mind one bit. Seeing the happy faces while they were here, and knowing everyone was going home happy and they all had a great time was what makes all the effort worthwhile.
This was the first time for the cub leaders organising and running a camp, but you can be sure it will not be the last.